Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Red Salutes

Red salutes to all comrades who gave their blood for the betterment of humanity

From Arab world we are hearing some slogans that is arising from the throats of unhappy peasants. Anyway it is much more interesting because it is spreading from from one state to other. It first seeded at Tunisia and to Egypt, Yemen, and Jordan.
In Tunisia and Egypt some results also produced by these people movements. In Tunisia President Sainul Abideen Bin Ali hand over his presidency to Mohamed Ganooshi but now protests are turned against him too. Lets hope some positive changes will happen there.
In Egypt Muslim Brotherhood, National Association for change and Coptic Christian Associations are leading the protests against the president Hosni Mubarak who ruling the country over thirty years. Now Mubark resigned and handover the government to Military and Vice president Omar Suleiman. They saying the country would have elections within six months.
In similar manner socialists and Islamists are protesting against Ali Abdullah Salih the president of Yemen. Students were take part in the marches. President already declared some relaxation for jobless and students.
In Jordan also some unsatisfactory voices are rising in the leadership of Left parties and Muslim Brotherhood. In some newses in Serbia also forming such movements.

In Egypt the actual situation is something worst. In population 2/3 are young and bellow 30 years of age and more than fifty percent of them are jobless. Corruption is increased an ever highest rate and income of 40% people is 2$/day.
I think recession facing one of its good extend that they motivating people because of its poverty.
that is it creating a mob who have nothing to lost

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Congress government with the support of CPI(M)

Congress government without support of CPI(M)

Some thoughts about Petrol Price

Factors affecting crude oil price are the following:
1)Price of crude oil
2) Government Taxes
3) Refining cost
4) Transportation cost

First of all average price of crude oil nowadays is $90. i.e: Rs 4084.65.From a barrel of crude oil we can refine 72.58 ltr of petrol that means 45.56%. Since almost all products are high cost than petrol we can assume that 90% crude oil converted to petrol, from one barrel we can refine 143.26 ltr of petrol.
So the basic price of petrol will be Rs 28.51.
Now lets think about government taxes. here you need to think about the role of government to reduce the price of petrol although they announced deregulation. 43% of petrol price is its tax !.
Central government takes 56.1 % of basic price as tax.
In detail Excise duty is 49.6%
Customs duty 5%
Education tax 1.5% and Rs 2 /ltr as petrol cess for roads.

In Kerala sale tax of Petrol is 29.01 % and its diesel tax is the highest in country 24%
For refining and transportation costs 24.68 %
So anybody who wants to reduce the petrol price (and diesel) must ask to reduce the taxes of government.

I have no hope that central government will decrease the price unless reliance or some other giants asked. But here in Kerala we have some belief in LDF government and they should realize their responsibility. Now our state's sale tax is 29.01 % if it's reduced to 20% we can save Rs 2.59 /ltr.
So Mr. F.M. please act as a communist